Monday, December 1, 2008

BBC2's "Trust Me, I'm a Healer"

In 2007, the BBC ran a series examining the claims of various healers, among them a feature on John of God directed by filmmaker Danny Horan. Mr. Horan followed several British visitors to the Casa, among them a cancer patient and a victim of multiple sclerosis and obtained an interview with JOhn himself. Although the documentary takes a skeptical point of view, I found it to be very even-handed and much more than fair to John of God.

Here is a version of the documentary uploaded to YouTube (the quality is not the best and the sound is a bit out of synch but it is well worth watching):

Why did the hotel owner and John of God advise Ms. Morgan to return to Britain? Why did John refuse to treat her? Could it have been that John assumed that she was beyond any help, certainly beyond any help that he could give her, and refused to take responsibility for something he knew would prove to be a failure? As Miss Morgan's companion observed, it's likely that neither John nor the hotel desire a death on their hands.

At the very least, this incident seems to disprove John's claim that "no one is turned away", which he or his followers state on several websites affiliated with the Casa.


Aimee said...

I'm wondering if you know where I can listen to the fourth part of the documentary with sound. Thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

I am neither a skeptic nor a believer, but if the man knows a simple truth, I have to say he is wise. He claims the ability to cure some illnesses in some people, but he has never claimed to cure death.

Frank Grotier said...

I am posting to report that all videos listed are no longer available. Is this due to copyright claims by BBC or is someone out to hide evidence?

Anonymous said...

If anyone is still following the controversial faith healer john of god of Abadiania, brazil, here's some news. He was just honored in 2013 by the Catholic Church. That's right! According to kiran Schmidt..."This week I had the privilege to hand over a degree signed by Cardinal Bertone, the secretary of Vatican-State that honours John of God as a knight-commander of the Order of St Gregory the Great…. A wonderful signal of the Catholic Church to honour a man who certainly has facilitated more miracle healing than all Saints together"

more at..